TempSure Skin Tightening in Sarnia and Grand Bend

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Radiofrequency Therapy for Younger-Looking Skin

Tempsure- Radio Frequency is used to encourage the process of building collagen by applying heat to the skin. A fantastic noninvasive procedure aimed to target the signs of aging such as five lines, wrinkles, and a lack of plumpness in the skin. With radio frequency we are able to stimulate the deepest layers of the skin, encouraging the skin to create its own natural collagen.

As part of our commitment to your confidence every time you look in the mirror, we’re happy to offer TempSure™, a revolutionary device that counters the signs of aging.

When collagen production begins to wane, typically starting in our early 30s, the skin loses its natural firmness. From that point, fine lines, crow’s feet, and smile lines can deepen and may make you feel not quite like yourself.

Make a skin tightening treatment schedule with TempSure™ part of your regular beauty routine. Most patients see results immediately following their first treatment.

How Does TempSure™ Work?

TempSure™ uses a small, handheld unit that emits radiofrequency. We apply this unit to the skin around your eyes. The radiofrequency passes through the outer layer of skin and creates gentle heat under the surface. This heat stimulates collagen production, which restores some of the skin’s natural firmness and elasticity.

Depending on the results you’re looking for, we generally recommend a series of appointments. Each appointment takes about 45 minutes, and with zero downtime so you can get right back to your day afterward.

Your treatment is very gentle. Some people compare it to the warming sensation of a hot stone massage, and 99% of patients say it’s comfortable.

In Focus Eyecare also offers TempSure™ to alleviate dry eyes caused by meibomian gland dysfunction.

TempSure™ uses gentle radiofrequency to stimulate and improve the function of your meibomian glands. This can effectively relieve your dry eye symptoms. 

Ask your optometrist if TempSure™ is the right solution for your dry eye symptoms.

It is recommended for almost anyone, no matter age or skin pigmentation.

It is a recommended treatment right before events such as weddings as there is no down time and the results immediate.

Although safe for all skin types, it is not recommended for those with cardiac implants. Those pregnant/ breast feeding or planning to become pregnant. Patients currently treating skin conditions example cold sores. 

  • patient receiving botox or filler must wait min 2 week post to receive treatment
  • Treatment taking up to 1 hour
  • The patient may seem mild pinkness, which will subside shortly post treatment.

Before & After Photos


Treatments last about 30-60 minutes depending on the area being treated. There is no downtime allowing you to return to normal activities immediately

You will leave with a natural glow, and what is sometimes described as tighter feeling skin.

A series of treatments is always recommended, but every patient is different. The optimum number of treatments can vary, so you should work with your optometrist to develop a plan that is right for you.

TempSure Envi has been carefully designed with comfort in mind to provide patients with a comfortable and effective treatment every time! 96% of patients described the treatment as comfortable.

Treatment sessions should be scheduled 4-6 weeks apart.

Where To Find Us

Sarnia – Lakeshore Road

  • 1206 Lakeshore Road
  • Sarnia, ON N7S 2L2

Sarnia – Vidal Street

  • 120 Vidal Street North
  • Sarnia, ON N7T 5X5

Grand Bend

  • 43 Main Street East
  • Grand Bend, ON N0M 1T0

Our Services

Adult & Senior Eye Exams

TempSure Skin Tightening

Myopia Control

Dry Eye Exams

Macular Degeneration


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