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Can Dry Eyes Cause Vitreous Detachment?

A man rubbing his dry eyes.

Millions of Canadians are dealing with the uncomfortable symptoms of dry eye disease. Unfortunately, dry eyes often accompany other uncomfortable conditions like digital eye strain or floaters, so it’s not unreasonable to wonder if dry eyes will cause floaters or vitreous detachment. While vitreous detachment and dry eye symptoms are both often related to aging, […]

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Does Radiofrequency Work for Skin Tightening?

A woman has radiofrequency treatment applied next to her right eye.

Rejuvenating Skin with Radiofrequency  Our skin changes as we age. A combination of genetics and photoaging—skin damage caused by exposure to UV light—can cause fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin. Over time, we naturally produce less collagen and elastin (components necessary for maintaining skin structure and elasticity). While many specialty skin care solutions are available […]

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Using RF for Dry Eye Treatment

An aesthetics technician applies a radiofrequency tool to a patient's face.

Radiofrequency for Dry Eye Treatment Dry eyes result from the inability to maintain normal tear film to coat the eyes. When there isn’t enough moisture or tears evaporate too quickly, symptoms are typically discomfort, pain, redness, and inflammation in the eyes.  Dry eye is a common condition that affects almost everyone. Meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD) […]

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Laser Skin Resurfacing or Microneedling: Which is Better?

Model image for the TempSure Environment wrinkle repair

Your skin can change with age, losing its firmness and developing wrinkles and fine lines. However, you can tighten your skin and improve its appearance with treatments like laser skin resurfacing, microneedling, IPL and RF. However, is one better than the other?  At In Focus Eyecare, we purchased IPL and RF as leading edge treatment […]

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